Our terms and conditions apply to all our surf lessons.


Art 1 : Service

All Biarritz Surf Training instructors have undergone training validated by the French government and hold a valid licence to teach surfing and related disciplines. Lessons are given individually or in groups. For lessons to run smoothly, surfers must be of a uniform level. Given that it is impossible for Biarritz Surf Training instructors to check the level of each student prior to enrolment, the student is responsible for choosing the technical level he or she has selected according to the grid proposed on the Biarritz Surf Training website. Biarritz Surf Training reserves the right to reincorporate a surfer whose level does not correspond to his or her declaration into a group more suited to his or her level, subject to the capacities of the other groups. Learning to surf takes place in a specific, unpredictable environment. Students must therefore take personal responsibility for their own safety and that of others. The instructor's responsibility is limited to a best endeavours obligation. It is the student's responsibility to follow the instructor's instructions. Students are solely responsible for their own equipment.

Biarritz Surf Training is not responsible for accidents caused by surfers taking part in the course.


Art 2 : Registration

All registrations with Biarritz Surf Training must be made using the registration form, either online on the website or on paper when registering at reception. It must be duly completed by the parents or legal guardian in the case of a minor. In the case of an adult, this must be the responsibility of the person concerned. Enrolment in our courses implies acceptance of these rules.

Payment and terms of payment:

For online sales made via our site: you must complete the booking procedure shown on this site. Once you have paid online, your booking will be sent to Biarritz surf training. All bookings must be accompanied by a deposit equal to 50% of the total cost of the service in order to be validated. Payments can be made by bank card, cheque, holiday voucher or cash. The balance must be paid before the first day of the course. Your order will be acknowledged immediately by e-mail. This payment constitutes the conclusion of the contract. It is confirmed by an e-mail.

For other distance selling methods: registration is made by telephone with full payment by credit card to Biarritz Surf Training. or by post by sending a booking form together with full payment by holiday vouchers, sports vouchers or credit card. Biarritz Surf Training only guarantees the availability of the lessons offered at the time the contract is concluded. Payment is proof that the contract has been concluded.


Art 3: Cancellation / Interruption / Exclusion by Biarritz Surf Training

Biarritz Surf Training reserves the right to cancel or interrupt lessons if the beaches are closed or if the weather conditions make it dangerous for the group to access the practice area. The client will be informed by telephone as soon as possible.

Art 3.2: Refund. The customer will then receive a credit note corresponding to the amount paid when booking the activity. This credit note may be used for a subsequent booking or reimbursed on request.
No additional compensation will be paid.

.Art 3 .3: Exclusion. Biarritz Surf Training reserves the right to exclude at any time any person whose behaviour is such as to disturb the progress and safety of the lessons. In this case, the client will not be entitled to any refund.


Art 4: Cancellation or interruption by the customer

Art 4.1 –The right of withdrawal within a period of 14 days provided for in article L221-18 of the French Consumer Code does not apply to services offered for sale in application of 12° of article L.221-28, in the case of leisure activities that must be provided on a specific date.

Art 4.2, cancellation will be subject to the conditions set out below:
– If the course is cancelled more than 30 days before the start date, the deposit paid will be returned;
– cancellations made less than 30 days before the course start date will result in the loss of the full deposit (50%);
– Any cancellation by the student less than 24 hours before the start of the course will incur full payment, except in the case of a justified medical problem, in which case only 50% of the course will be due;
– No-shows and/or cancellations are equivalent to cancellations and will result in full payment for the service booked.
– courses not completed due to the customer's fault will not be reimbursed. A course started and interrupted by the student will not be reimbursed.

You must notify us in writing of any cancellations or changes.


Art 5 : Responsibility of Biarritz Surf Training

All Biarritz Surf Training instructors have undergone training validated by the French government and hold a valid licence to teach surfing and related disciplines. They are up to date with their annual PSE 1 revision. Lessons are given individually or in groups. For lessons to run smoothly, surfers must be of a uniform level. Given that it is impossible for the instructors to check the level of each student prior to enrolment, the student is responsible for choosing the technical level that he/she has selected according to the grid proposed on the Biarritz Surf Training website. Biarritz Surf Training reserves the right to reincorporate a surfer whose level does not correspond to his or her declaration into a group more suited to his or her level, subject to the capacities of the other groups.

Learning to surf takes place in a specific, unpredictable environment. Surfing therefore requires students to take personal responsibility for their own safety and that of others. The instructor's responsibility is limited to an obligation of means. It is the student's responsibility to follow the instructor's instructions. Students are solely responsible for their own equipment. Biarritz surf training is not responsible for accidents caused by surfers taking part in the course.

Pupils will be under the responsibility of state-qualified professional instructors at the start of their surf lesson in Biarritz. They will again be under the responsibility of their parents or guardians after the end of the service concerned.

The civil liability of Biarritz Surf Training with regard to its trainees ceases outside these hours, within the time limits described above. Before leaving their child at Biarritz Surf Training, parents must make sure that the planned service is actually taking place. Students are strongly advised not to leave valuables in the changing rooms (money, watch, telephone, etc.). Biarritz Surf Training declines all responsibility in the event of loss or theft of these items on its premises.

Biarritz Surf Training cannot under any circumstances be held responsible for any moral prejudice or accidental or deliberate damage caused to the participant by third parties during the activities. The commitment is limited to the sole services provided.

Biarritz Surf Training may exclude without compensation any participant whose behaviour is contrary to safety standards and morality. Any act undermining the physical or moral integrity of one or more participants and/or the supervisor, endangering the health and life of other participants, his or her own life and/or that of the supervisor, will be punished.

Art 6 : Insurance

Biarritz Surf Training certifies that it has taken out professional insurance covering the risks associated with its activity. In the event that the trainee considers that the guarantees offered by Biarritz Surf Training's insurance do not suit him/her, it is up to him/her to take out additional guarantees.

Art 7 : Commitment of Biarritz Surf Training

Within the framework of the chosen formula, Biarritz Surf Training undertakes to provide services in line with the needs of the trainees (quality of welcome, teaching, supervision and safety). Similarly, the necessary equipment (wetsuits, boards, etc.) will be provided to members during surf lessons in Biarritz. Our lessons comply with the quality charter of the "Association des Ecoles Françaises de Surf".

Art 8: Customer commitment

By registering with Biarritz Surf Training, adult surfers as well as underage surfers and their parents, accept the risks associated with surfing under normal conditions. The participant undertakes to comply with Biarritz Surf Training's safety instructions. They declare that they have no medical or other contraindications to practising the activity subscribed to. Under no circumstances can Biarritz Surf Training be held responsible for any physical or other consequences resulting from the failure to declare any contraindications.

(If a vehicle is used as part of the services offered) The Surf School undertakes to ensure that trainees are transported in compliance with the regulations in force: drivers holding the necessary licence, insurance cover for the vehicle, respect for the maximum number of passengers, clean vehicle in good condition (compulsory servicing).

Art 10 : General provisions: Image rights

By registering, you authorise Biarritz Surf Training to use photos and/or films of your image taken during your course, for the production of all publicity documents and this, without financial consideration.

Art 11 : Additional conditions for the Club formula

Any enrolment for the Club formula is open for one term and must be made using the enrolment form provided for this purpose. The interested party then undertakes to take the 10 surf lessons in the Club Formula on Wednesdays and/or weekends (depending on when the school is open) during the term covering their enrolment and only during the months of April to June and September to November. Courses cannot be carried over from one term to the next or from one year to the next.

Courses that have not been taken at the trainee's initiative will not be carried over to the following year. Nor will they be refunded to the customer. A Formule Club course started and interrupted due to the student's fault cannot be reimbursed.